The Slave of Money, #BlackLivesMatter Is a Lie?


How come you riot million dollars of store and then blame the president? Politic is the answer.

Using racism sentiment, the politician uses the racism to fight for the position.

At this point, I dare to say that liberal humanist thinker and theologians are behind all this chaos. I don’t need to debate, and not interested into “social media debates” regarding this black and white issue.

I just want to proclaim what I think is the truth.

Human right IS NOT RIGHT without God. Period!

#BlackLivesMatters are you serious believe this is about black or white issue? As what happened with 212 the use of religion that “has cursed” Jakarta until now, the use “human right issue” for political interest will bring curse to all the people group that use the sentiment.

At the end of the day is not about you, me, Trump, Xi, or United Nations, or WHO, but it’s all about God and us. Isn’t this the basic thesis of theist belief system?

Human Right Movement and Radical Religious Movement are two faces but actually they are the same.

While US is facing the radical left, Indonesia is facing the radical right. But both radicals, left and right, are just the slave of the RADICAL GREEDY PEOPLE. Yes, the slave of money!

Do we really believe they care the poor, the minorities, or even the a single drop of tear to the needy? I don’t buy that.


Hanny Setiawan

Coretan Lain:

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